Acceptable Use Policy
All deployments and plugins hosted on Toystack operate under the fair
use policy. In general, don't do anything illegal or we will ban you
from the platform.
- Websites
- APIs + Backends
- Cron Jobs / Scheduled Jobs
- ML Jobs
- Code Servers
Not Allowed
- Mirrors/Userbots/Leeches
- Torrent Aggregators
- Crypto Miners
- Telegram Bots
- Hosting/Distribution of DMCA protected content
- Music Bots
- VNCs/Virtual desktops
- ToS Violation (Card Testing/Hosting Card Testing Services)
- Suspected card fraud / Payment dispute
- Trial Plan Abuse
- Sending Spam
- Anything Illegal
We won't hesitate to shut down any illegal activity on the platform.
If you wouldn't run it on your machine, don't run it on ours.